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 ZABNOTT#2 - the ocean burned.

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Priamhark Nundinarius
Priamhark Nundinarius
Date d'inscription : 13/09/2017
Messages : 411
Crédit : andthesunrisesagain (av). tumblr (gifs). tumblr & phoebe bridgers (quotes).
Âge : vingt-sept ans (28/08) mais morte depuis le 15/07/07 donc techniquement vingt-six...?
Occupation : mopey ghost.
Allégeance : à Morgana.
Particularité : revenante + maudite (ancienne outre-tymbiste).
ZABNOTT#2 - the ocean burned. Empty
MessageSujet: ZABNOTT#2 - the ocean burned.   ZABNOTT#2 - the ocean burned. EmptyJeu 6 Aoû - 14:04
theodore nott
His feelings for Theodore were an oil spill; he’d let them overflow and now there wasn’t a damn place in the ocean that wouldn’t catch fire if he dropped a match.

Theodore was late, which was so unlike him that it made Blaise deeply uncomfortable. He kept peering at the clock on the wall, secretly hoping each time that the hands would jump back and indicate that Theodore was, in fact, not late at all; he was disappointed each time, going back to today's issue of the Prophet and reading the same sentence over and over again as if he had any available brain space left to understand what was written in front of him.
Pansy had gone out a few hours ago already to meet with a few friends, leaving him with a peck on the cheek and promising to bring back sweet pastries for him. Although Blaise had been terrified that their engagement would change everything between them, he had learned to sincerely appreciate her rare moments of tenderness towards him. He had found within himself that he truly loved it, longed for it really, and that he would have accomplished anything to be the recipient of Pansy's affection. Because she was not one to act much on her feelings with just anyone, it was almost as if it was more precious that she would do it with him.

Blaise heard the door open and close, and he immediately stiffened on his armchair, stealing a glance at the clock. This could not be Pansy, who would not be back for a few hours, so it meant that Theodore had taken more than an hour to get home from work. Blaise knew his schedule by heart and he also knew that Theodore rarely, if ever, stopped on the way home.
Blaise felt something tighten in his chest. Jealousy didn't fit him at all. He hated this feeling with a ferocity that was maddening.

When Theodore walked into the living room, which he had to if he wanted to access his own room, Blaise put the Prophet down and looked at him. As usual, his eyes were deep and intense when they were set on Nott's frame. Blaise looked at him with a relentless intensity, an all-encompassing interest that never wavered or flickered. Pansy would have gladly described her fiancé as all over the place but whenever Theodore was around, Blaise's attention was laser-focused on him as if he was scared that if he was not pining him down with his stare, Theodore would disappear into thin air.
It was a wonder Pansy had remained oblivious to her cousin and fiancé's relationship until now.

Well. It was not a relationship at all, Blaise remembered bitterly.

"Busy day today?" He had hoped for his voice to be as flat as possible, and cringed when he realised he had failed miserably. Blaise didn't have Theodore's talent for keeping a straight face and his feelings to himself. Sometimes, he felt as if they were bubbling within him, eager to come out with an embarrassing intensity. "You took quite a while to come home. Where were you?" His disinterest was well practiced but incomplete; but Blaise was too proud to look away when Theodore's beautiful black eyes settled into his, awakening the same desire-tainted shame as usual.
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ZABNOTT#2 - the ocean burned. Empty
blaise zabini
He could feel it in his heart that they were not meant to be together, yet his soul screamed that they were not meant to be apart.

If there was one thing Theodore hated, it was small talk. Useless chit-chat and pretending to enjoy whatever conversation he was being brought into. But sometimes, unfortunately, he was left with no choice but pretending. It was like that at work, especially. He had been working at the ministry for a few years now but he was still young, still considered a rookie by all the other lawyers who had been at their desks for decades. They seemed to appreciate his quiet nature, his work ethic was always on point and he was always willing to help. All of that made people like him, for some reason. Theo didn't really understand much about human interactions and he survived by mostly copying what other people did. So when one of his colleagues asked him and others to stay for a drink after work, he felt like he had to say yes.

He ended up in the private room of a nearby bar, a place that some of the others frequently visited. He stayed for a while, trying his best to answer when he was being talked to. After a little under an hour, he felt it was safe to politely leave. He said he had something to do, and when Cadmus asked him with a smirk if someone special was waiting for him at home, he simply answered "something like that", which wasn't a lie, exactly. Blaise would probably be there. And he was definitely special.

Their relation had always been different, some people may have even said that they were weird about each other. And even Theo could notice. Blaise was his only real friend and one of the only person he actually cared about. They had been friends for a long time before Theo came to live with him and Pansy. He was supposed to watch over them, as they were newly engaged, but things didn't exactly go as planned.

As expected, Blaise was there when Theo finally got home. He was sitting in the living room and Theo was weirdly pleased at the thought that maybe, just maybe, he had been waiting for him. And he was probably right, considering Blaise's words and the slightly uneven tone he used. "Yes", he simply answered as he took off his coat. Theo wasn't a man of many words, which he knew drove his friend crazy sometimes.

"You took quite a while to come home. Where were you?" His voice was much more controlled this time, but his eyes were dark, intense and so focused on him that Theo had to look away for a second. "My colleagues invited me for a drink, I couldn't really say no," he explained quickly,  Blaise would understand. "Why, did you miss me?" He couldn't help but add, Theo had been working on his sense of humour recently, and those things seemed to work okay.  
He glanced around the room, which was dimly lit by the late afternoon light streaming through the windows. Blaise always looked good, but Theo had always preferred him in these hours when the light made everything look soft. It suited him. He walked towards the empty chair facing Blaise, dropped the slightest touch on his friend's shoulder, right by his neck, as he passed him. "Is Pansy out?" he asked, not necessarily out of genuine curiosity, mostly to know how much time they had for themselves.
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Priamhark Nundinarius
Priamhark Nundinarius
Date d'inscription : 13/09/2017
Messages : 411
Crédit : andthesunrisesagain (av). tumblr (gifs). tumblr & phoebe bridgers (quotes).
Âge : vingt-sept ans (28/08) mais morte depuis le 15/07/07 donc techniquement vingt-six...?
Occupation : mopey ghost.
Allégeance : à Morgana.
Particularité : revenante + maudite (ancienne outre-tymbiste).
ZABNOTT#2 - the ocean burned. Empty
Blaise couldn't really help that he was possessive (some would say that he was greedy). He was unwilling to part with anything that he considered to be his. Whether that was his time, his money, or his precious friends, it didn't matter. He liked having his possessions around and, when those possessions happened to be his friends, he liked knowing where they were and what they were up to. "My colleagues invited me for a drink, I couldn't really say no." Jealousy immediately flared in his chest, eager to come out. It was stupid and Blaise knew it. After work drinks were common - if not expected in some places - and he was glad that Theodore was socialising and making friends.
And yet, he couldn't help but feel this fear creep up within him. Theodore had never been one to socialise. Had he met someone? Who? Blaise had no claim at all over who Theodore fancied or had drinks with. None at all. But when he had first kissed him, clumsy yet eager, messy and perfect, Theodore had woken up a fire in him that had yet to died down.

Flames lurched at Blaise's mind, filling him with a heat he didn't know existed before. "Why, did you miss me?" Blaise rolled his eyes. He had not missed him. Craved him was more like it. "Look at you, making friends." His off-handed comment sounded wrong, almost bitter.
He watched as Theodore walked towards him and stilled when his fingers grazed him.

The fire was blazing now, spreading throughout his body, consuming his spine and leaving a trail of ashes behind. Theodore sat down in front of him. Blaise's heart was in his throat, throbbing violently.
He hated Theodore's placid manner, and the way he carried himself around like nothing, not even Blaise, could touch him. He envied how calm he always appeared. It made Blaise appreciate seeing him come undone even better. "Is Pansy out?" Blaise forced a breath out. "Yes." His voice was raw, already, hoarse with expectation and want. Theodore's way of moving in the world held Blaise on a leash. He never knew what to expect from him and how to react. His eyes (so dark and beautiful, like pools of water under the night sky; Blaise would have drowned in them if he could) never revealed whatever he was thinking. Pansy was out. Was he disappointed? Or just curious?
Did he want to take advantage of her absence? Blaise tried to search Theodore's features for any hint, and failed. Even if he tried, Blaise knew he wouldn't have been able to imitate Theodore's stolidity in a hundred years. He hated it. He admired it. He wanted to see it break.
Blaise uncrossed his legs slowly. "She'll be a few hours. She was meeting with..." He had completely ignored what she had said, focused on the fact that she was leaving and that, maybe, Theodore and him would have some time alone. He waved his hand. "Whoever. She said not to expect her for dinner." His hand fell back on the armchair again, as he stared at Theodore. "We could have some fun," he tried, unsure despite himself, as usual with Theodore. Blaise was not good with boundaries, and he was not good with failed exceptions.

But the fire was burning, and he wished Theodore would do something about it.
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ZABNOTT#2 - the ocean burned. Empty
"Yes" Blaise breathed out. It always fascinated Theodore, how much emotions the other man carried, even to him, someone who was not used to feelings, someone who didn't really understand them or see them on people's faces. Perhaps it was because he knew him so well, inside and out, because they had spent over half of their lives together, so much so that people often said they were almost one singular entity. So yeah, Theo could read it all over Blaise's face. He knew he was upset, because Theo didn't follow his routine as he usually religiously did, because he had wasted time with him to see other people. And that, to him, was one of the worst offenses he could have committed. Blaise liked to be the center of attention, he was everything Theo wasn't and maybe that was the exact reason why they were so inevitable. He regretted nothing.

"She'll be a few hours. She was meeting with… Whoever. She said not to expect her for dinner." All his attention was on him, and the information he had given was precious. She wasn't there, she wouldn't be, she would stay out of their way. He probably should feel guilty and it was probably a good indication of his character that he just … didn't. Pansy was his cousin, she was engaged to Blaise, in love with him, she thought everything was just fine. And yet he had no shame fucking her husband-to-be whenever she was out. Sometimes, when he couldn't sleep, his thought went naturally to Blaise, to them, and what they were doing. He had theorized, somewhat, that maybe it was because he had never been in love, because he most often than not thought he wasn't capable of it, that he was so okay with it. People put too much pressure on relationships and monogamy and Theo simply didn't see the point. Why deny oneself the pleasure of another person's company? Why restrict oneself to one person for something so trivial, for something that did not have to mean anything? But he wasn't stupid, and he knew most people did not think like that. He wasn't even sure Blaise himself did. He didn't really have time to answer him, as Blaise followed quickly "We could have some fun", he said. And Theo could see in the way his body slumped back into his chair, in the way his legs were spread slightly wider than before, in the way his whole body screamed invitation, that this fun he was talking about was not playing wizard's chess. And he couldn't help but chuckle at his words. "We could have fun" he repeated, "what kind of fun? Are we talking playing cards or…?" His face bore a mask of curiosity. He had a pretty good idea of what Blaise wanted but he enjoyed the anticipation. And in all honesty, he wasn't usually good at noticing what people wanted. He had never been. He had never understood things that were unclear, unsaid or half-said. He just knew from experience what Blaise and him alone at home usually meant. "You know I don't like guessing games Zabini so, if you want something from me, you're going to have to use your words." Maybe he was an asshole, but this was exactly the kind of games he liked.
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Priamhark Nundinarius
Priamhark Nundinarius
Date d'inscription : 13/09/2017
Messages : 411
Crédit : andthesunrisesagain (av). tumblr (gifs). tumblr & phoebe bridgers (quotes).
Âge : vingt-sept ans (28/08) mais morte depuis le 15/07/07 donc techniquement vingt-six...?
Occupation : mopey ghost.
Allégeance : à Morgana.
Particularité : revenante + maudite (ancienne outre-tymbiste).
ZABNOTT#2 - the ocean burned. Empty

According to Theodore, anticipation was half the fun. Blaise knew damn well that Nott thoroughly enjoyed seeing him on edge in such occasions, eager yet restrained by his own interrogations, impatient for any sign that he could move towards him. Blaise wasn't shy, but he handled rejection worse than he did anything else. And any sort of rejection from Theodore would break him.
His chuckle almost did. But Blaise knew he was playing. He had to be. Fuck. Blaise had always been one to play with his lover, using them again and again, until he was bored of them and he would stop seeing them, dedicated himself to new pleasures with other people.
But Theodore... he didn't like the role reserval. No, who was he kidding? He loved it. Because if Theodore was playing with him, it meant that Theodore cared and if Theodore cared, Blaise was happy. It didn't matter that at the end of the day, he was going to marry his cousin and their little fling would never endure Blaise and Pansy's marriage. None of that mattered: it was all background noise.
What mattered was Theodore's chuckle and how it hanged on his lip and made Blaise want to throw himself at him.

"We could have fun. What kind of fun? Are we talking playing cards or…?" His face was unreadable. Blaise didn't even answer, instead frowning, his own features darkening in displeasure; and yet he could feel the fire that Theodore had ignited in him from the graze on his shoulder roar inside his chest. The fire was nestled in his abdomen and slowly went down to his crotch, making him feel like all of his nerve endings were alight. "You know I don't like guessing games Zabini so, if you want something from me, you're going to have to use your words." Blaise was very good with words. He used them without thinking, sure, but he was good with them: Pansy often said that he could have easily sold a pair of spectacles to a blind man. Words came to Blaise easily and smoothly, sentences arranging themselves feverishly and surrounding whoever he was speaking to with his easy charm and confidence.
Theodore made him lose his words. In moments like this, when his skin was alive with a dark fire that scared him and his head was swimming with desire, Blaise felt like an overwhelmed toddler who couldn't put words on his environment.

It took him all of his willpower to draw in a shivering breath and stop the heat that was spreading on the back of his neck. "What is it that you want to hear, Theo?" In these quiet moments, Theodore became Theo. His friend had once explained where his name came from, and Blaise had laughed at the pretentious and divine meaning of theos, not understanding how someone could name their son after a deity.
Now he understood. He had never believed in an higher power, and yet he looked at Theo with a feverish adoration that had no bounds. "Do you want to hear that I want to have you spread out whimpering on this couch right here?" His voice was thick with want and need - he had stopped trying to tell those emotions apart long ago. "Or would you prefer I tell you that I'd rather you stop fucking around and come here so that I may remind you exactly what fun is?"
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ZABNOTT#2 - the ocean burned. Empty

For a moment they were just staring at each other. Theo had made his move and he was waiting for Blaise to make his. It was exhilarating, as it had always been, since the very first moment Theo slipped into his friend's mind and saw everything he wanted and yet had never thought of before. It had started something, something uncontrollable, something wild. It was a frenzy like he had never felt before, a need to enjoy every last second before it was over. They both knew, that this had an expiration date, and that that date was the wedding. Sometimes Theo wondered when the last would be, if Blaise would go so far as fucking him on his wedding day, if he would marry Pansy with the taste of Theo's mouth still on his tongue, with the feel on of his hands all over him and the memories of them burned to the back of his mind. He kind of hoped he would.

However, it was useless to think of that in this moment, when he had Blaise right there, as available and eager as ever. "What is it that you want to hear, Theo?" He thought about it. Blaise knew him, he knew him so well, he knew him the best. He knew that even though he attempted to take control; to make it seem like this, all of this, wasn't making his skin burn with need, he knew that a few words was all it took. He hated being weak, but the idea that Blaise was as affected by it as he was make it somehow okay. He knew Blaise wouldn't judge, he couldn't, because he was the exact same way. "Do you want to hear that I want to have you spread out whimpering on this couch right here?" Fuck. That was why Theo like this all so much, because a single sentence was enough to trigger a rush of arousal so strong his legs would have probably given out had he not been sitting.
"Or would you prefer I tell you that I'd rather you stop fucking around and come here so that I may remind you exactly what fun is?" Because every sentence took his breath away for a moment, every fucking time. He looked into Blaise's dark eyes and saw nothing his own didn't reflect. All the desire, all the need to be together, right here, right now. It was all right there and it would be so, so easy to take him up on his offer. He had to remind himself that it did not make him weak to give in. He swallowed slowly, the lump in his throat making it harder to breath. "That wasn't so hard, was it?", he said trying to regain some sort of composure back before moving his chair slightly away from the table. "Apparently you're in charge here Zabini, so why don't you come and get me?" He said as he slumped back into the chair just as Blaise had done before. After all, two could play this game, right?
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Priamhark Nundinarius
Priamhark Nundinarius
Date d'inscription : 13/09/2017
Messages : 411
Crédit : andthesunrisesagain (av). tumblr (gifs). tumblr & phoebe bridgers (quotes).
Âge : vingt-sept ans (28/08) mais morte depuis le 15/07/07 donc techniquement vingt-six...?
Occupation : mopey ghost.
Allégeance : à Morgana.
Particularité : revenante + maudite (ancienne outre-tymbiste).
ZABNOTT#2 - the ocean burned. Empty

Although Theodore - no, Theo - was a master at keeping his feelings to himself, Blaise would sometimes find himself catching a crack into his perfected expression of indifference. And a crack was all he needed. Knowing that Theo could feel even a portion of what he felt for him, was intoxicating. "That wasn't so hard, was it?" Blaise felt a flash of annoyance and frowned, a shiver running down his spine despite himself. He wished he could tell him no, he wished he had it in him to refuse Theo what he wanted. But that's what he, Blaise, wanted to give him even more badly. This dynamic was frustrating and exhilarating in the same exact way. It was all about giving in. And there was no one else Blaise could have done that with.
He watched as Theo slumped into his chair, exulting a confidence that was usually Blaise's own specialty. "Apparently you're in charge here Zabini, so why don't you come and get me?" Another flash of annoyance, that only fuelled his desire in a way that was almost embarrassing. Blaise didn't like being bossed around but he was unable to resist Theo's voice.
He quietly stood up, glaring at him darkly, before making his way to him.

Each step was easier than the previous one, as he drowned himself into Theo's eyes, wrapping himself in the desire he saw burning in them. There was not much Blaise wouldn't have done for these eyes, shining down on him like two black stars.
When he got to him, he simply sat on his lap, his legs on either side of him. His hand went to the chair's back for balance before slowly going to Theo's neck, his thumb pressing onto his throat before he dragged it up to his chin. He slowly tilted Theo's head up, resiting the urge to kiss him full on the mouth, and instead pressed his lips against the warm skin of his neck, right where his pulse was. He opened his mouth, letting his breath against his lover's neck, before his teeth started to nip at his skin, not enough to leave a mark but enough to make him squirm, which made Blaise smile.
His hips gently rocked against his, a bolt of pleasure going up his spine as he did. In this moment, Blaise felt that he was made of pleasure, want, longing, fire. Need.

His other hand slithered down Theo's body, finding his crotch, and as he slowly kissed his neck, he caressed him through his pants. Blaise knew what he was doing. He often joked about his body count with Pansy who always rolled her eyes and sighed after hearing for the nth time about his adventures with so and so. Before Theo, Blaise had never had a male lover and had never lingered on this possibility at all. He liked to think of himself as an admirer of beauty, a connoisseur of good taste, but male bodies had never attracted him.
But then there was Theo and his rare smiles, his dark eyes and his long hair in which Blaise could run his fingers for hours. There was Theo and as soon as Blaise had understood the depth of his feelings for him, he had started to look at other men, too. The possibilities were endless.
But there was no body he craved like he did Nott's. No body he knew better either. Blaise fucked because he could and wanted to, but never lingered with a lover. His interest in women faltered almost as soon as he had them, and he had never been one to invest time and effort into any sort of relationship.
Theo was different. Theo had always been different.

He knew what he was doing because he had learned, they had learned together, figuring things out on the fly as their relationship had grown. Blaise knew what made him squirm, moan and, sometimes, rarely, beg. That's all he needed.
After a time, he released the pressure of his thumb on Theo's chin and let him face him, taking him in with dark eyes. "You're impossible." He wanted to sound annoyed but sounded like he was in awe instead. He didn't dwell on his disappointment in himself and instead moved away from Theo's lap. His hands went to his pants and undid them deftly in a few brisk movements. Soon enough, he went to his knees, dragged Theo's pants down his legs to his ankles and looked up at Nott. "That looks uncomfortable," he noted off-handedly, as his fingers hooked themselves in his underwear. His voice was more controlled than it had been since Theo had walked through the door, as if he didn't feel like his whole body was on fire just from seeing his lover's desire, pushing through his last piece of clothing, eager to come out. "Fret not, Nott, and remember you put me in charge." He dragged his underwear down, his eyes travelling back to his crotch, and smiled before leaning in, tongue first, towards him.
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ZABNOTT#2 - the ocean burned. Empty

Theo kept his eyes on Blaise as he rose up from his chair, eyes as intense as ever. Theo knew him well enough to know he was getting annoyed, but he also knew the darkness in his eyes was from want, nothing else. And he was sure his own want was obvious in his in eyes too. Seeing Blaise walk to him like this, so focused, so determined, made the arousal spread through his whole body.
He gasped as Blaise sat on his lap, his body warm and heavy against his. His breath got caught in his throat as Blaise's hand rested on his neck. The touch was light yet sharp against his skin and he could feel his desire growing in response. Blaise knew perfectly well what he was doing, he knew Theo craved the light pressure his fingers exerted on his throat, he knew he loved how it made his breathing just that much more laborious, and when he moved his hand up, he couldn't help the sting of disappointment he felt. Blaise was so close like this, and Theo licked his lips at the thought of kissing him, but the other man wouldn't indulge him, not now, not when Theo had provoked him as he had. He was going to pay for his insolence, and he found he didn't hate the idea.

His hands grabbed Blaise's shoulders as he rested his lips on his neck, a moan escaping his throat as Blaise's warm breath skated around his skin. He was often amazed at how in tune their bodies had become. Theo had had a fair amount of sex, but never like this. He knew they had had the same kind of experiences, they had talked about it before. About the random girls they'd fucked or the ones they would like to fuck. And even back then, back before he even realised his attraction to men, these talks would make his skin tingle and had him adjusting himself in his pants. But, now, everything was different, they were fucking each other, and it was more addicting than the sweetest drug, every second spent together bursting full of tension, every touch electrifying. They had spent hours mapping each other's bodies, figuring out what they wanted, what they liked. They were both new to this, to them, even though Theo had fucked guys before he had never given himself the way he had to Blaise. Blaise knew which spots were the most sensitive, knew he could spend a long time on his neck and make a mess out of him. He was so easy for him. It was ridiculous. He moaned again, louder, as Blaise's hands made their way to his crotch, his hips moving in response, trying to get Blaise and his fucking hands closer.

After a moment, Blaise released him, murmured "You're impossible" and moved away from his lap. Theo wasn't one to show many emotions, but his face most likely reflected his disappointment. "You're the one that's impossible", he said, only for you he thought. He raised his hips as Blaise got rid of his pants, smirked when Blaise said "That looks uncomfortable,""and whose fault is that?" He answered. He stared at him again, Blaise Zabini on his knees was a view so exceptional it made the world's most beautiful art bland in comparison and Theo was proud to be one of the few who'd had had the pleasure of watching him like this. They were so reckless, he thought absent-mindedly, they had Theo naked in the middle of their living room; the thought was thrilling. "Fret not, Nott, and remember you put me in charge." It was the best kind of suffering as Blaise slowly worked his mouth on him, doing everything he knew made him lose all sort of control. He couldn't do much beside sitting back and enjoying the ride, looking at him through hooded eyes even though the sight was so fucking hot he was about to lose it. He could barely reach Blaise, the barely-there hair scattered on his skull, but he was trying anyway. He could feel the pleasure building deep inside of his body, Blaise was lighting him on fire, inside and out. He was moaning profusely, his mind filled only with thought of Blaise and everything he made him feel at this moment. He managed to stop him after a while, siting straight in the chair as Blaise's lips left him.
"Come on, let me kiss you. And get you out of these fucking clothes."
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Priamhark Nundinarius
Priamhark Nundinarius
Date d'inscription : 13/09/2017
Messages : 411
Crédit : andthesunrisesagain (av). tumblr (gifs). tumblr & phoebe bridgers (quotes).
Âge : vingt-sept ans (28/08) mais morte depuis le 15/07/07 donc techniquement vingt-six...?
Occupation : mopey ghost.
Allégeance : à Morgana.
Particularité : revenante + maudite (ancienne outre-tymbiste).
ZABNOTT#2 - the ocean burned. Empty
tw: explicit content

Pleasuring Theodore Nott was immensely satisfying. Blaise had been reluctant at first, ashamed at how bad he wanted it, thinking it was degrading; but now, he would have gladly spent hours blowing him just to enjoy Theo's short nails dragging accross his skull and the moans that escaped his tense jaw. Making a placid man such as him lose his temper and his nerve with his mouth and his tongue was almost a source of pride.
And he was good at it, at least if Theo's moans could be trusted. When Theo pushed him off him, making his dick pop out of Blaise's mouth, the latter glared at him darkly as if pushing himself away from him was painful. It almost was: he was so fucking hard in his pants already, and he had been shamelessly touching himself through his pants while going down on his friend.
Friend. The word made him smirk as he sat back to look at Nott. "Come on, let me kiss you. And get you out of these fucking clothes." Blaise's smirk deepened. "So fucking whiny, uh?" He sounded mocking, almost, but there was no doubt that he enjoyed this situation a lot.

Blaise slowly rose up from his knees and with one smooth movement, took off his silky shirt and threw it to the side. He knew he was handsome, always had been, but seeing Theo's eyes drag down his body and study him always made his skin tingle. He went back to him, sat on his lap again, his own hands going to undo his shirt's buttons and caress Theo's chest. He slowly lowered his face to his and waited for Nott to give in and kiss him, welcoming his mouth on his with a pleased smile. Blaise immediately pushed him back against the armchair, kissing him back eagerly, ridding him of his shirt until he could feel his naked chest against his. His skin was warm, welcoming, and Blaise felt his own shiver at the tingling feeling it woke up within him. He had it so bad for him, despite his desperate attempts at control, and he hoped Theo knew.
One hand went to back to caress his skin, drawing out his collarbone and spreading out on his chest, while his other hand went back to his throat, pressing on it tightly, just enough to make him moan against Blaise's mouth. He could have done this all day.
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"So fucking whiny, uh?" Theo couldn't even properly glare at him, his mind was blank and unresponsive. He was barely holding on, the fire burning hot in his flesh and bones. Seeing Blaise taking off his shirt and throwing it away did nothing to tame that fire. He couldn't help but let his gaze travel down Blaise's body, taking in every little detail, every change in texture or color on his perfect fucking body. At times he had felt concerned about his own appearance, when they had started this. Blaise was effortlessly hot, his body strong and smooth at the same time while his was thinner, more bland in a way. But his friend didn't seem to mind.

He welcomed him with open arms as Blaise sat back on his lap and started to unbutton his shirt. He was so close, teasing, barely a few centimetres between their lips, so close he could feel his warm breath on him. And he was done waiting, giving in to the need to feel him, to taste him. Blaise did not disappoint, he kissed him with passion, with intent and Theo kissed him twice as hard. The skin on skin contact was making him delirious, their chests pressed together, Theo's hand on Blaise's face, and his hands all over him. He couldn't help but gasp loudly as Blaise's hand found his throat again, his breath escaping him. It was definitely a thing, they had found out pretty quickly, and the pressure was so good he could feel his dick twitch as he moaned into Blaise's mouth. His own hands traveled down the other man's chest, enjoying the curves and dips he found on the way. He left Blaise's lips to kiss down his neck, loosing himself in the saltiness of his skin on his tongue and in the noises he made. He swiftly went back to his lips, unable to get away for too long, as his hands make their way to Blaise's pants. He undid them just enough to slide one hand in, finding his dick instantly. The thought that he was this hard, so hard, for him making him whimper. Theo took him in hand and started jerking him, slow and soft. He knew by now, what to do to make Blaise come hard and fast, but this was not the time for that, the night was young and Theo surely hoped that it wouldn't stop there. He left his lips once more, reluctant as ever, before looking at him with dark eyes. Blaise already looked pretty fucked out and Theo was sure he did too, their heavy breathing sounding so loud in the silence of the room. "Are you going to fuck me, Blaise?" He asked, his voice barely above a whisper. He'd better say yes.
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ZABNOTT#2 - the ocean burned. Empty
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ZABNOTT#2 - the ocean burned.

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